Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Misssion Statement

This Blog is dedicated to anyone that has gone to a movie and wanted to ask for their money back. Too often Hollywood has pushed garbage down our throats because they assume we lack the intelligence to distinguish between feces and art. I am not saying that all movies must be moving and thoughtful to be worth the price of admission. There are plenty of fluff pieces worth the price of admission. Not every movie needs to move us like a Rembrandt or a Picasso, but when you pay $10+ to see a film that is nothing more than a poor adaptation of a Saturday Night Live skit, well you are a Hollywood Victim. You are someone that was told they would be entertained, and instead was left a little lighter in the wallet, looking for the nearest Pub to forget the past hour and a half.

These posts are my personal opinions on various films that I have recently viewed. The Ranking System is as follows:
1- See it now, immediately, as in stop reading and go now
2- Worth the full price of admission
3- Worth the matinee price of admission
4- Put it on your Netflix queue
5- If it is on HBO and there is nothing better to do
6- Only if your girlfriend/boyfriend/life partner forces you to see it
7- Come up with an excuse to avoid seeing it
8- Threaten physical violence at the mention of this film

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